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Get Congress to Act on Puerto Rico! Summer Recess Advocacy Drive

CALL TO ACTION: California for Puerto Rico Congressional Advocacy Drive

In July, Puerto Rico inspired the entire world by taking to the streets in unity and power against corruption, sexism, homophobia, and media manipulation from the island’s government.. The demonstrations took place after a leaked private group revealed crude and rampant corruption amongst Mr. Rosselló and his closest advisers.

NOW THE FIGHT CONTINUES! U.S. Policy on Puerto Rico must benefit the People -- not Wall Street!

Puerto Rico is still a U.S. colony and residents of the archipelago are still subject to unilateral U.S. control over the economy, infrastructure, education, pensions, medical care - basic things we all need to survive.

As Puerto Ricans and allies with voting power in the U.S., we have a crucial responsibility to advocate NOW for Puerto Rico. The whole world -- including Congress, the decision-makers on Puerto Rico policy -- saw us take down a corrupt governor. We can use this momentum to make Puerto Rico better for ALL.

GOAL: Through this Advocacy Drive we’ll BUILD RELATIONSHIPS with legislators, so that we can make sure they prioritize the PEOPLE of Puerto Rico and remain well-informed to ACT at opportunity to do so - both right now and for years to come!

During this Congressional Recess WE NEED YOU to talk to your Congressperson IN-PERSON! The August Recess is the best opportunity to meet your Reps because they’re typically in town. Common places to meet them include Town Halls and face to face meetings at their local offices. We all have the right and duty to make sure our elected officials represent OUR priorities, so no need to be shy about speaking up about Puerto Rico!

Can Puerto Rico count on you?

Summer Recess Advocacy Steps PLEASE READ:

1. Find your Congressperson:

2. Email us at and let us know who your Congressperson, so we can track our collective Advocacy progress, guide you and answer your questions.

3. Find out when your Congressperson’’s Town Halls/Events are and REGISTER. New events are announced daily, so:
-- Follow your Rep on social media
-- Sign up for their newsletter
-- Check
-- Call your Congressperson’s CA Office ASAP and get their Scheduler’s email. Email them to request a Summer Recess meeting: State that you are a resident of their district (include your address) and that you need to discuss urgent U.S. Policy on Puerto Rico.

5. ATTEND Town Halls and meetings!
Town Halls, arrive early to best position yourself to make a comment.
-- Come prepared to share your own perspective on Puerto Rico AND 1-2 Puerto Rico Policy issues (Some examples: Audit the debt/debt relief; Puerto Rico Exemption from the Jones Act; Full access to anti-poverty programs like Medicaid, SNAP, EITC and CTC; Hurricane recovery funding). See links below for policy background info.
-- If possible, get photos and VIDEO, especially of your comments.
-- IMPORTANT: Ask your Reps’ aides WHO BEST TO EMAIL to request that the Congressperson SIGN our soon-to-be-released Puerto Rico Solidarity Pledge.

6. Email us about how it went and share any videos/photos and key contacts you made!

To learn more about key U.S. Policy areas on Puerto Rico:

Earlier Event: August 10
Let's Talk About Puerto Rico